Sunday 14 April 2019

Weekly Newsletter: April 15th - April19th

Language Arts
In Language Arts this week we will be completing our pre-assessment for our new topic Literary Essays. After choosing a familiar text, students will write an initial opinion or argument essay whereby they state their opinion or claim, giving reasons why they feel this way. Students are encouraged to make claims about characters and themes using evidence from the text. The data gathered from this pre-assessment will allow for students needs to be determined for planning for the unit.

We will also start our unit on Historical Fiction. Students will begin by examining the introductions of familiar books in order to analyze the setting, taking note of when and where the story takes places and what this place feels like. Students will be encouraged to be alert for change within the text, identifying clues by the author.

In math the students will be exploring 
decimal numbers via their relationship to decimal fractions, expressing a given quantity in both fraction and decimal forms. Utilizing the understanding of fractions, the students will apply the same reasoning to decimal numbers, building a solid foundation for Grade 5 work with decimal operations. Previously referred to as whole numbers, all numbers written in the base ten number system with place value units that are powers of 10 are referred to as decimal numbers, a set which now includes tenths and hundredths.

Over the next two weeks, students will be in the science lab to investigate the question "What affects the amount of rock that water can erode?" Students will observe two stream tables as the Erosion Model. They will then summarize their understanding by completing two activities in the Earth’s Features Modeling Tool, one showing the effect of the speed of a river on erosion and one showing the effect of the amount of time a river has been flowing. Students also return to Rocky Wonders to read about how water can cause erosion as well as be a natural hazard. Next, students broaden their view, observing a world map to better understand patterns in Earth’s features. Students conclude the unit by returning to the Rocks and Fossils anticipatory chart to reflect on all they have learned. The purpose of this is for students to engage in argumentation as they apply their understanding of erosion.


School Start Time:
School starts at 7:50 am. Many student arrive before then and are able to chat to their friends and play in the common area. At 7:50 am sharp classes hold their informative morning meetings. Please ensure that your child arrives in plenty of time to get to their classroom each morning ON TIME!

ES Dress Up Days: Plan your days in advance click HERE for dates and details. (The next Dress Up Day will be Friday, April 19th)

MAPS Testing: Grade 4 students will begin taking their MAPS test Starting on April 25th.

Below is a link to our ES Library page filled with incredible reading resources like Big Universe (electronic books with varying reading levels), BookFlix & Trueflix and TumbleBooks which can all support our Grade 4 exploration of realistic fiction.

Note: your child’s ISKL username and password is required to access these external resources. Please email to request your child’s login information.

Below is a link to Splash Math: Fraction Games for 4th Graders. There are a number of games to play to reinforce fraction concepts. A number of classes are in the process of reviewing fractions to prepare for an end of unit assessment.

Note: a free login is required to play past the demo stage.

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